To complete these drapery system collections select desired rod length and finial style, brackets will be included as part of the complete system. Holdbacks are also available to match most styles. 

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Finial styles pictured in thumbnail are: (From lower left moving clockwise) twisted basket,  secondary rod (for use with sheers in a double rod system or as a single finial) ball, double scroll, and spear hand-forged designs. All large rod systems feature an additional center support bracket.

Drapery systems are available in three standard sizes. 

SMALL     28"-48"    $53

MEDIUM   48"-88"    $59

LARGE    60"-108"   $73

Custom lengths are available. Please call for quote.


double scroll rod with secondary sheer rod.jpg (141462 bytes)Especially designed for those desiring sheers for filtered light and drapes for privacy a secondary rod system is available. Sets include choice of our standard wrought iron finials with a tapered sheer rod and matching two rod brackets. Pictured is a double scroll rod secondary system. Large system comes with extra center bracket

SMALL     28"-48"    $96

MEDIUM   48"-88"    $108

LARGE    60"-108"   $131